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Using external batteries

Using external batteries

By : Pedro - Categories : Tips Rss feed

Taking care of our external batteries is essential to obtain a safe vaping and protect us from any problems that our batteries had. At the same time I give you some tips to always have our batteries in optimal conditions to vape with total peace of mind.

Tips for good use of external batteries:

  • Change the battery shirt as soon as we see that it has some kind of breakage or is more unprotected. There are Wraps or shirts for all kinds of batteries and it is changed by removing the vinyl and putting the new tube using a hair dryer, keeping the black "arito" from the top of the positive pole of the stack in the same position.
  • Always carry batteries in protected plastic boxes,never in the pocket in contact with other metals at the risk of deflagration.
  • Use external battery chargers,never charge via USB. All manufacturers recommend it to increase battery life and assign them a correct and complete charge that does not affect the chemistry of the battery.
  • If we see that our battery has swelled a little by some bad configuration, discard it immediately at a clean point, never use it.

We hope to have helped the correct use of external batteries in devices that can be of maximum safety to vape with total peace of mind and safety.

If you have any suggestions or questions, leave us your comment below and we will answer you.

And remember, vapers do not explode, external batteries are dangerous products if misused or used in devices with a bad configuration that directly affects the current of the battery can be dangerous to our integrity. Therefore do not use such devices if you do not follow these guidelines or are not an expert on the subject.

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