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Mechanical mod VS electronic mod

Mechanical mod VS electronic mod

By : Alberto - Categories : Tutorials Rss feed

Mechanical mod against electronic mod. Many people have doubts about these two products, but the real thing is that there are people with different tastes and with reasons to be in one or the other. Still, it is not advisable TO NEVER start with a mechanical mod in any way, here are our tips.

What is an electronic mod?

An electronic mod in vaping, is a device that by one, two and up to three batteries, gets with a motherboard and an electronics (operating system), to give us the parameters to be able to vape. Using its screen you can see:

  • Battery: percentage of battery that we have left in the mod.
  • Watts: Power in watts that will give us the device, from 1 to 200w in most, although there are up to 300w.
  • Voltage: The voltage that is in accordance with the watts and that helps us to know which watts are best suited to vape, in this case, never go beyond 4V.
  • Feathers: the number of lace-ups we carry.
  • Lace time: seconds of lace.

In an electronic mod everything is easier when it comes to safety,although always, our batteries in good condition and that never for any reason enters us liquid in your electronics, if you pass... is the death of our mod.

What is a mechanical mod?

A mechanical mod in vaping, is nothing more than a device, either in tube or boxformat, which by means of a circuit with a plate and head in the case of boxes (not all), and hybridly in the tubes make a contact for vaping.

In hybrid form it would be nothing more than without any type of intermediary, the pin of our atomizer, the positive and negative battery pins and the pushbutton, close a circuit to provide us with the energy to vape. The mod itself is divided into:

  • Head (box mods): head that makes contact for the plate and batteries and liquid pitch in case of mods with bottom fedder.
  • Plate (box mods): Silver plate, which makes contact with batteries and head, is usually the most conductive.
  • Pushbutton (tube mods): pushbutton that makes contact with the battery and that we must always be clean and careful.

What do we have to consider to use a mechanical mod?

Protection, is the most important thing in mods of this type. First of all, always always, have our batteries in good condition, monitor positive pole insulators, well placed wraps, etc. In addition, the mechanics, for the most part, are usually brass, copper and silver,so we must always keep the contacts mentioned above clean, not only for the protection, but because of the feeling that we will have when vaping, since the conductivity will be much greater.

Voltaic arch, what is it?

A voltaic arc is nothing more than an electric shock that usually happens when it comes to making battery contact with a pushbutton. In this case it would remain as a solid black spot on the parts of the battery and pushbutton or plate. We must take this into account and that it does not always pass us dry batteries and pushbuttons of liquid and clean. If it happens to us, we clean with magic cotton or ketchup, yes, ketchup, it is quite effective.

Which one is better?

Neither of us, I explain. There are people who love electronics and love the safest vaping, where you can see at all times what power you use and never move, that is, if we want to vape at 50w, the power will not move until the battery dies. In the case of a mechanic, the power will decay as the battery runs out.

True, that the feeling that a mechanic gives when vaping, with good repairable resistors and with a good setup done, is not the same that we can find in an electronic, since with the mechanic we are taking advantage of 100% the battery at its beginning.

When to use a mechanical mod?

In this case we always advise that a mechanical mod is always used later to have used an electronic, in fact, whenever we are going to mount a new setup in our RDA, RTA, etc... always in an electronic when it comes to stabilizing the resistors and NEVER in a mechanic, since we can have some scare that another or just the threads of the resistors will break.

When we are clear enough about the basics, we could try using a mechanic, but always taking into account the most important safety points we have mentioned.

In fact if you want one more add-on, click here and it will take you to our article "Safety in vaping".

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