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Vapfip Concentrate

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€0.00 - €20.00

Buy Vap Fip aromas in our online store. Vap Fip is a Spanish company that manufactures its own exclusive vaping liquids, bases and aromas to offer the consumer an extraordinary vaping experience. Surely you already know that the aromas can not be vaped without having previously mixed and macerated with the vaping bases and thus make your own alchemy vaper liquids. The first thing you have to do is buy a vapfip aroma with the flavor that you like the most, then choose the base and make the mixture, as we have told you before you will have to use the calculator for vaping mixtures included in the bases.

To make the mixture you can use the same bottle as the base, since there is empty capacity designed to include the aromas vapfip. The aromas of the Heisenbers Vap Fip line are known for the ability they have to enhance your eliquids, you can add sensations such as cold, toasted or bitter. Heisenbers aromas include a plug with a dropper to facilitate mixing with your liquids, once done it will be enough to shake vigorously to be able to vape them, they do not need maceration time.

In Vaposelección you can find the whole range of aromas of this brand loved by many in the world for its variety of flavors. Go ahead and try them!